**I took all these pictures yesterday but just didn't have to post them. We got home late and I was pooped!!
This was also our first trip road trip with Pearson being potty trained. We made it almost to Sherman when we got stuck in stand still traffic because of a wreck. I was so nervous he was going to have an accident, but he did great and we had no accidents!!
As soon as we got there, it didn't take long for him to make a mess! He loves all the toys at Grammy & Grandaddy's.
It had been way to long since we had seen Grammy & Grandaddy, so they both enjoyed seeing them. Nash was having some good conversations with Grandaddy.
The boys and I had the house to ourselves for the afternoon because Grammy had to work and Grandaddy and Daddy went to play golf. We had a little Chick-fil-A picnic and then it was nap time for the big boy.
Nash and I hung out for a little while before it was nap time for him too!!
After nap time, The Reeds came over and Uncle David finally got to meet Mr. Nash for the first time!
We ended our fun day in Sherman by taking Grammy out for Mother's Day. She picked Panera Bread. I couldn't have been happier with her choice, because Panera is one of my favorite restaurants too! When we ordered, we realized that we both order the exact same thing!! Great minds think alike I guess.
We had a great day in Sherman with family but when we got home we were all pooped. We finally got the boys in bed around 9pm and I crashed on the couch shortly after. "Traveling" with two is definitely more tiring than one!
Totally random, but thank you for having Pearson properly buckled in his car seat. I keep seeing pics of people's kids in their carseat with the chest buckle down toward the bottom and it makes me crazy and I want to reach through the pic and fix it. So, thanks for not doing that to me (and for keeping your kid safe, of course). :)
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