Today was Pearson's last day of 2K Preschool. I can't believe how fast this school year went.
This silly boy has grown up so much this year. He became a big brother and was potty trained this school year. I really do feel like he started school as a little toddler and now is truly a big boy!!

We absolutely loved his school and we are so glad that we will be returning again in the fall!!
We are so proud of all that he learned and all that he accomplished this year. We can't wait to see him learn and grow even more next year in 3K preschool.
Before we left for school Pearson insisted on an outfit change. He wanted to match his lil bro and wear his big bro shirt. So sweet!!
We ended the school year with a fun little Beach Party. These kids pretty much ate all day. Their teachers provided pizza and cookies for lunch, then they had popsicles outside as part of their Summer Fun Day, then we had cupcakes, pretzels, fruit, & juice boxes at their party. Needless to say, they were nice and sugared up!!
All the kiddos got to dress up like their were off to the beach. Too funny!!
Pearson and his little buddy Logan!!
We love Mrs. Elayne and Mrs. Teresa. They were amazing and I am so thankful for all that they did for our sweet boy.
And we can't forget little Nash Man. He had his own little fan club during the party. All Pearson's friends LOVED him. It was so cute to hear Pearson say "That's my baby!"
And the post definitely wouldn't be complete without a comparison picture. Look how much he has grown!! He looks like such a big boy!!
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