Before we headed to church, Pearson gave me a special present that he had made at preschool.
While gift cards and gifts are wonderful, these handmade gifts from the heart really are the best.
His teachers helped him make this awesome keepsake book. There are pictures from each month and a handprint to represent each month as well. It was so fun to see all the pictures his teachers had taken throughout the school year. We had a great time looking at it together.

I am so incredibly blessed to be the Mom of these two precious boys.

After church we went to Joe Willy's with both of my grandma's and my Mom. It's not your typical Mother's Day lunch, but it was a great idea because there was barely anyone there.

I seriously don't know what I would do without my Mom. I talk to her just about every day. And we see each other multiple times a week. She is always there for me, whether I need someone to talk to, need some advice, need someone to keep the kids or if I need to borrow something from her pantry. She always there for me. I am truly blessed to have the best mom in the world.

And my kids are blessed to have the best Lolly ever!!
After lunch we came home for naps and a relaxing afternoon on the couch. The kitchen was closed so I chose Chipotle for dinner. Yum!
My hubby was such a sweetie and made this Mother's Day a perfect day! Happy Mother's Day!!
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