Tuesday, August 25, 2009

pudding sandwich & chick-fil-a nuggets

I want to do a better job this year of writing down all the funny things that my kids say at school. Kids really do say the darndest things. Every now and then I plan on posting a few of my little "Kindergarten Funnies" on my blog so I can go back and remember them.

The two choices in the lunch line today were:
  • Ham and Cheese Sandwich OR
  • Chicken Nuggets

One of my little boys that got a ham and cheese sandwich for lunch also got vanilla pudding for dessert. As soon as he sat down he got his "spork" and starting spreading his pudding on the bread of his sandwich. I'm pretty sure he thought it was mayonnaise. He didn't seem to care though because he ate it all up!!

One of my little girls that got chicken nuggets had eaten all of her food on her plate except her chicken nuggets. (which is odd because chicken nuggets are a Kindergartners best friend) I told her she need eat her nuggets before she went outside. She then told me, "Oh..I don't like these kind. I only like Chick-fil-A nuggets. Ya know the ones with the dark crust."

I didn't say anything back, because I actually agreed with her!!

Oh and I have 2 kids that can't say their "L's" so they call me Mrs. Wink!! I love it!!


Brandi Gail said...

I love it! Keep the K stories coming!!

Anonymous said...

That is such a good idea! I love hearing other teacher's funny stories...I will have to copy you!! Good luck this year!!

The Vann's said...

Haha - this is so cute!!

I love it! Hope the rest of your first week of school is great! :)

Alisa said...

Hey there are two Mrs.Winks! Most of my three year olds in my preschool class call me Mrs. Wink. One little girl, Vera, calls me Missing Link!