Pearson had his first movie theater experience today. We went to see Rio. At Cinemark they are doing $1 kid movies at 10am on Wednesdays all summer long.
I know Pearson is a little on the young side to go to a movie, but I thought for $2 we wouldn't have wasted much if we had to walk out early.
When we first got there I took his picture in his seat. This was literally the only time he actually sat in his seat for the movie. He didn't weigh enough to keep the seat from folding in on him.
He watched all of the preview so great! He just stood in front of me and didn't move. After each one he would look at me and clap. It was the cutest thing ever. He had no idea that they weren't the real show that we came to see!
During the movie he rotated between sitting in my lap, leaning on my legs, sitting on the stair in the aisle beside my chair, leaning on the chair in front of him and walking a few seat down from me. The only time he sat in my lap was if he was eating a snack. If this weren't a $1 kids movie we probably would have annoyed quite a few people. For the most part he did pretty good. There were only two times I thought we were going to have to leave. First, he turned around during the movie at one point and saw a little boy leaning on his chair. He started screaming and saying "My Chair, My Chair". I swiped him up and we went and stood on the side of the movie theater to calm down. By the time we got back the little boy wasn't leaning on his chair so he was fine. The other time I thought we were going to have to leave was when we was walking in front of me and he hit his head on my arm rest. Thankfully I had a package of fruit snacks in my bag to distract him from the pain!!
We really had a great time at the movies. During all the part when something "bad" would happen he would yell out "Ah-Oh" and anytime there was Brazilian music playing he would dance and jump. He was soooooo cute!! Even though we had a lot of fun, we probably won't be taking him to a full price movie any time soon. We'll stick to the $1 movie for now!!
Yup, all that moving is about how graham did! We had brought snacks so that occupied his time some! Glad y'all had a
Good experience !
Love your dress! Where is it from?
What a great opportunity to test the waters of going to the movies. How cute that he said "Ah Oh" when something bad happened. And such a two year old response to the little boy leaning on his chair (that he wasn't hardly ever sitting in.)Glad Pearson has such a great mom that lets him experience so many fun activities!
How fun! You'll have many more of these movie moments I am sure!
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