I've been wanting to join this link up for a while now, but every week by the Friday rolls around I forget to get a post up. This week I actually remembered so here goes.......five random thoughts on Friday.
On Thursday my Mom, Mother in Law and I had a Project Nursery Work Day. My Mom had already got quite a bit of work done so we all worked on finishing it all up. We were able to get just about everything that has to do with fabric completed! The only things left are my diaper bag, a pillow for the chair, and a basket cover for the diaper basket. Here's a little sneak peek of his bed skirt. I'll do a whole Nursery Reveal post once I get all the decorations figured out.

On Thursday my Mom, Mother in Law and I had a Project Nursery Work Day. My Mom had already got quite a bit of work done so we all worked on finishing it all up. We were able to get just about everything that has to do with fabric completed! The only things left are my diaper bag, a pillow for the chair, and a basket cover for the diaper basket. Here's a little sneak peek of his bed skirt. I'll do a whole Nursery Reveal post once I get all the decorations figured out.

Last weekend Annie Sloan and I got together again to paint the bookshelf in Nash's room orange. Annie Sloan doesn't have a ton of colors to choose from so I couldn't believe that they had a color that looked like it matched perfectly. Sadly after painting two coats on the bookshelf I realized it was not turning out how I wanted it too. It was starting to look UT orange and the brown was still showing through. I was going to have to paint a third coat to get it completely covered but then it would make it even darker. I decided to just scrap it and move on. I painted it with Kilz this afternoon/evening and I'm going to paint it a brighter orange with some paint from Sherwin Williams tomorrow. Hopefully it turns out exactly how I want it because I'm not painting this bookshelf a third time!
**This picture doesn't really give a true picture of what it looks like with the Annie Sloan paint. It doesn't look so bad here but it really was very dark burnt orange. And this is also a little sneak peek of the curtains!!
Pearson is absolutely cracking us up these days. He is TOTALLY a two year old and we definitely have lots of tough moments, but he is talking so much these days and saying so many funny things. I have got to get better at jotting the funny things down on my phone so I can post about them in his monthly posts. I have completely dropped the ball on his 28 month post so I'll have to combine his 28 and 29 post. I'm so sad that I missed a month. I'll probably take a picture this week and call it his 28 month picture so I'll have one.....shhhhhhh....don't tell anyone!!

In a few weeks I am participating in "A Meaningful Christmas". I've known about this since Pearson was a baby. I wanted to participate in it, but I wasn't ever able to get a group together. This year a friend from church organized a group and I am so excited to be a part of it. I am in charge of making 24 ornaments with a cross on it to go along with the Advent Devotion Topic- Believe; John 3:16. When we get together at the end of November I will give my ornaments away and receive 23 other ornaments. I will also get a devotional book that corresponds with the ornaments to do with my family each day leading up to Christmas. I know Pearson is still a little young to really understand this but I'm excited to start it this year!! He will at least have fun adding an ornament to the tree each day.

I don't know about you, but I'm starting to see lots of cute Christmas crafts pop up on Pinterest. I'm queen of pinning stuff and never actually making it, but I'm determined to change that this year. Michaels is making this easier by starting to have "Pinterest Inspired" end caps. They will have all the supplies you need to make different Pinterest Inspired crafts. The projects will change throughout the seasons and it will encourage people "Don't just pin it, make it your own."
#JustAddMichaels to make your holiday crafts!
I’ll be at the Pinterest inspired in-store party at Michaels on November 10 – join me!!

#JustAddMichaels to make your holiday crafts!
I’ll be at the Pinterest inspired in-store party at Michaels on November 10 – join me!!

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