Last year we just had family at Pearson's party. This year we decided to invite a few of his friends from church. Unfortunately, I planned the party over Father's Day weekend so lots of our friends were with family or out town. We still had such a good time even tough quite a few people couldn't come.

For brunch we served breakfast casserole, sausage balls, zucchini muffins, fruit, chex mix, gold fish, Reece's pieces & some little white chocolate candies. Pearson's favorite food was the "tup-takes" (zucchini muffins).
I only got a good picture with Grammy & Grandaddy. I so mad that I didn't stop to take pictures of Pearson with my parents and my grandparents. Oh well, he probably wouldn't have cooperated anyway!!
Pearson adores all of his older cousins. Peyton, Preston, and Emma couldn't make it but he had a ball with Ellie, Carson, & Ethan.
{Ashley & Olivia and Oma & Joe}
{The Howard Family}
**Pearson called Landry "Ah-Gwee".
Pearson had so much fun opening presents. He loved throwing the tissue paper out of all of the bags. He did pretty good not getting distracted after each gift until he got to the dump truck that Nonnie gave him.
Everybody seems to like it the best. All the kids were trying to play with it!!
Even Olivia (who happened to be picking her nose) liked the dump truck.
Sorry, was too funny not to post!!
One of the party favors was a little construction hat. All the kiddos seem to really like them!!
After we all ate and opened presents, we headed outside to eat cake and let the kiddos play!!
I wanted to get a good family picture, but Pearson wasn't having it!! He was having too much fun playing in the sand and in the little pool.
Thanks to everyone who came out to his party. We had such a fun morning celebrating with everyone!!
So cute Katy! glad to find your blog
It was a great party. You did such a good job of planning and hosting. Fun, fun, fun had by all!!!
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