{Thursday, May16th- Key West, Florida}
Our day in Key West was super fast. We docked around 6:45am and left around 12:45. We met our friends Steve and L'Loni for breakfast at 8am and leisurely got off the ship. (I told you we hung out with them alot!) Neither one of us had booked excursions so we decided to go in together and rent a little golf cart to sight see on the island.
Matt quickly moved to the front seat to be the Navigator so us girls could just sit in the back and chat!!
Our first stop was the the southernmost point in the USA!!
Our next stop was The Key West Butterfly & Nature Conservatory.
I probably wouldn't have chosen to go there, but L'Loni really wanted to. It's was surprisingly really neat and I really enjoyed it.
One little butterfly decided to hitch a ride and hung out on my back for a little while. I was able to get so many good pictures of the beautiful butterflies.
When we left they stuck a blue butterfly sticker on us as a little souvenir. Matt actually kept his on all afternoon. I was quite surprised!!
After driving around town for a little while and doing a little hat shopping for myself, we stopped for a frozen drink at a little walk up bar. There were so many yummy choices. I went with the Banana Breeze and Matt got a Mojo. So good!!
Our morning at Key West went by so fast, but it was getting really hot so we were actually ready to get back on the ship. We ate lunch at the buffet then headed up to the lido deck for some sun. I got to try out my new hat that I bought! I love it!!
We ran into Pluto before our show. Our show tonight was sooooooo good. It was called Dream. It was basically a quick scene of all of the classic Disney movies. Matt and I both left the show singing Disney songs. I was singing Bippity Boppity Boo and Matt was singing Under the Sea. This show made me want to come home and watch every single Disney movie I watched growing up.
Tonight was also our semi-formal night and lobster night. Dinner was so incredibly good!!
After dinner we went to a late night adult ventriloquist show.

We were greeted by a little elephant and note that it was time to change our clocks back as we were headed back to Texas.
Key West looks beautiful! The butterflies are fun :)
again, I love your clothes: the blue shirt and the coral multicolored dress! can we go shopping together??
floral & fudge
I wouldn't have picked the butterfly place either, but it looks neat! And that pic of Matt w/the butterfly on his hat doesn't look like him at all!
Another clothes question...where did you get your ruffle-y blue shirt...LOVE it!
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